The Year 1952

Thursday, September 24, 2009 ·

Our time machine has now passed the border between the years 1952 and 1953.

1953 saw the growth of the buy now pay later mentality with car makers leading the way by allowing longer and longer periods to pay for your new car. The unions gained strength with more and more workers belonging to unions, with wage and price controls ended and unemployment at 2.9% the increases in standard of living continued to grow and appear to have no boundaries. A teachers average salary was $4,254 and a pound of round steak was 90 cents. The first color television sets appear selling for $1,175, and transistor radios start to appear for sale.

Quoted from

1953 was also the year when the first issue of Playboy Magazine saw the light of day, with Marilyn Monroe on the cover (pictured above), and Josef Stalin died this year.


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Welcome aboard the Musical Time Machine. We start our journey in the early 50's and don't stop until we're back in present time. Throughout the journey we'll have a closer look at each year and listen to the songs that were popular back then.


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